Questionnaire: Are you ready to start your own practice?

Approximate filling time: 3 minutes

Before you get started, tell us more about you and your firm.

Are you planning to set up your own practice?

Do you have a strategy based on location?

Is this a solo project or with partners?

How would you like to organise your business (number of chairs, salaried or associate dentists, working hours)?

If you were afraid of taking the plunge, what would it be?

Have you given any thought to the installation?

Do you plan to buy the premises?

Do you know how many chairs you need? How many chairs will you be working with?

How many assistants are you planning to take on?

Have you thought about the patient pathway?

Do you have an opening strategy?

Do you have a digital marketing and communications strategy?

Have you thought about your contingency plans in the event of business interruption?

Do you have a forecast for the next 5 years?

Do you have an equipment investment strategy? Chair, CBCT x-ray, 3D printer, prosthesis laboratory, operating microscope, photo studio, other...?

Were the plans for the premises designed with your work and the patient pathway in mind?

Are you familiar with the ARS recommendations for dental practices?

Have you thought about the business software you want to install?

Do you have dashboards to monitor your business and check that you are on track with your forecasts?

Do you have job descriptions for your employees?

Have you scheduled any meetings with your team?

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Téléchargez Gratuitement Votre Guide du Dentiste Entrepreneur !

Découvrez les clés de la réussite en tant que dentiste entrepreneur. Ce premier numéro vous offre des conseils essentiels pour exceller dans la gestion de votre cabinet.

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Votre investissement dans ce diagnostic reflète votre passion et votre engagement pour l'excellence. Merci d'avoir partagé un bout de votre parcours avec nous. Fanny ou Jackie vous contacte très bientôt pour mettre un peu de peps à votre sourire professionnel.